Thursday, December 30, 2010

My insight as a result of reading this book

As I was reading this book my mind kept remembering a phrase stated this past year by one of the veteran teachers in my school. It was stated to the whole elementary staff during an inservice. It bothered me that day and continues to bother me to this day. I cannot repeat her exact words, but it was a comment that was directed towards the “non-traditional” teacher(s) of my school. She expressed her concern for the students that leave her “traditional” classroom, whom have had the traditional memorized spelling tests, basal reading instruction, and penmanship books, etc., and travel into a more “non-traditional” classroom as they progress into the next grade level. My impression of her comment was, that without continuation of these “traditional” skills her former students were not getting the education they needed, because the “non-traditional” teachers were choosing to spend their learning time outside of the box of “tradition." While I was reading this book I kept thinking, she can’t be serious, because as this book stated education has and is evolving and it is no longer “traditional.” How can we prepare students for a “non-traditional” future teaching in a traditional manner. It is such a closed minded way of thinking, and one that will not help our students reach their potential. I do agree with the book that there needs to be a healthy balance between skills, technology, and collaborative group work etc. Yes we still need to teach the basics, but these students must know how to take taught skills to another level, even at early ages. This is a challenge within not only my school but schools across our nation. I don't feel this is the pendulum swinging but an actual change that we all need to embrace. If we don't, our children will not be prepared for the future and our great nation will not lead but follow in other nations footsteps.

1 comment:

  1. I especially appreciated the discussion concerning teaching our students to learn - to figure things out, to problem solve, etc... to they will continue to learn and be innovative. That is really what we need to teach our students.
